Give Yourself a “Mulligan”: How to Regroup and Restart Your Business

I remember the first time my brother took me to play on a real country club 18 hole golf course. I was just a teenager and I felt so out of place just being there. To make matters worse the thought of miss hitting the ball in front of all those experienced golfers had me terrified. The whole experience made me feel like I was out of my league. So, when it came time for me to hit the ball off the first tee, my worst fear came true and I choked. I duffed my shot, barely hitting the ball a few yards.

My brother, without laughing and in his kind big brother way, called out, “Take a Mulligan.” “A what?” I questioned, not familiar with the term. “Take a Mulligan,” he repeated like it was no big deal. “It means take another shot, a do-over. When we golf with our friends, we allow a couple of Mulligans per round. You can take a Mulligan with no penalty when you miss or mess up a shot. It’s not the end of the game; it’s just a chance to regroup, refocus, and aim for a better shot next time. It makes the game more fun and it doesn’t penalize you for making a mistake”.

That lesson stuck with me, and it’s one I’ve carried into my business life. The same principle applies to your business.

Starting or growing a business is a journey filled with twists, turns, and unexpected challenges. And sometimes we can feel like we are out of our league and everyone with more experience than us is watching. It’s easy to get discouraged when things don’t go according to plan. But what if, instead of beating yourself up, you treated each setback as a Mulligan—a chance to restart and improve?

1. Acknowledge the Setback

The first step in regrouping is to acknowledge that you’ve hit a rough patch. Whether it’s a missed opportunity, a failed strategy, or simply feeling overwhelmed, it’s important to face it head-on. We know that every entrepreneur faces obstacles. The key is not to ignore them but to understand what went wrong and why.

2. Reassess and Refocus

Once you’ve acknowledged the setback, it’s time to reassess your situation. What goals did you miss? What strategies didn’t work? What resources are you underutilizing? Use this time to refocus on what really matters in your business. Evaluate your business from all angles, allowing you to adjust your course with intention.

3. Implement the Mulligan Mentality

Now, embrace the Mulligan mentality. In golf, a Mulligan isn’t a failure—it’s a learning experience. Apply this mindset to your business. Give yourself permission to make mistakes, learn from them, and move forward with renewed energy. True success is all about growth and potential, so use this opportunity to push past setbacks and aim for a better shot next time.

4. Take Action with Confidence

With a clear understanding of your setbacks and a refined strategy in hand, it’s time to take action. Whether it’s revisiting your business model, refining your customer approach, investing in your leadership ability, or re-energizing your marketing efforts, do so with confidence.

5. Celebrate Progress, No Matter How Small

Finally, remember to celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Each step forward is a victory, and each Mulligan is a reminder that you’re still in the game, still learning, and still moving toward success. The most successful entrepreneurs celebrate every win, knowing that they all contribute to the bigger picture of business growth and personal fulfillment.

In the end

Never overlook your opportunity to give yourself a Mulligan—a chance to regroup, restart, and reframe your business journey. Don’t be afraid to hit the reset button when needed. Embrace the challenges, learn from them, and move forward with confidence. Your next shot could be the one that leads to your greatest success.


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